Saturday, July 14, 2012

Black Art, an Awesome Beer

Last summer, I noticed a beer in the corner of my local distributor. I am always in search of new beers that seem interesting and this one was well-priced, too. I picked up a six pack and I've been drinking it ever since (not that same six-pack as it was gone pretty quickly).

It's called Black Art. There is a Gold variety, but I'm not a fan of lighter beers, so I stick to the Black Art Dark.

I'd try and describe the flavor for you, but frankly, I only judge beers in terms of love/like/dislike/hate. Occasionally, I notice some flavorings, such as coffee, vanilla or cinnamon, but mostly not. And don't get me started on wines. I've gone on these wine tasting tours and the proprietors are going on about oak barrels vs. steel ones and wood flavoring (here's hoping that refers to those oak barrels they mentioned because I'm not keen on drinking trees), but my taste buds are only putting out yum/mm/eh/yuk responses.

Anyway, back to Black Art. Check out the history on their website. This beer has survived World Wars, Soviet Occupation and German Reunification! Definitely worth checking out.

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